
38 weeks

  • at my last appointment with the midwife, she was feeling around to make sure of the baby's position and she exclaimed " oh your having a contraction!" my response " oh, is that what that is?" apparently i've been having mild contractions unbeknownst to me. haha.
  •  3-5... the average number of times i'm awake or have to get up at night. i think i'm in training for what's to come.
  • we enjoyed a leisurely 4th of july. local town parade and a picnic.
  • popsicles, fans, pools, cold showers and ice packs are my friends right about now. ( my other ankle finally decided it was hot enough outside to swell)
  • was a little over the moon that i found a non maternity dress in my closet the that still fit me!
  • went to my first farmer's market of the season! ( there's a whole new world of fun out there when you aren't working every saturday morning)
  • chips ( our kitty) was being really cute at our little outdoor photo shoot.
  • that's about it ( for now)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Beautiful photos Kristi! You look stunning. I am so excited...any day now!!!!! Your baby room looks perfect and I absolutely love the color and baby mobile. God Bless you guys in your final days before meeting your lil' one. Love you!

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