
making deodorant

deodorant...i know its not typically one of those things you would want to try and make. i am not a fan of regular deodorant. i have only found one kind that i have ever liked... its discontinued. poof, vanished one day off the shelves. so i have been looking for something that doesn't smell too much, doesn't have aluminum in it, and actually keeps me from stinking to the high heavens. so i happened upon this blog passionate homemaking and this recipe for deodorant. its gotten rave reviews so i thought i'd give it a go. i have been using it for a couple of weeks now and i think i've found the deodorant that works for me! the only downside is applying with your fingers. a small price to pay for something that truly works for me!


Anonymous said...

No recipe included??? Tsk, tsk! :)

- Kerah

Snacky French said...

there is a link in the word recipe!

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