
slowing down

I've been absent from this space for over a month now. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought, except when I work on some projects and  realized I haven't shared them here. We are recouping from a busy holiday season, that was filled with lots of baking, last minute gift getting, traveling and more traveling.
 And while we had a great time doing all of those things, we were in desperate need of a daily slower pace. So that's what we are working on this January. Slowing down. Making dinner on a regular basis that doesn't come from the freezer or a box, building block towers, dancing around the kitchen, playing in the snow and most days hunkering down inside when its 5 degrees outside or venturing out on an errand or two. There has been time to catch up with friends and work on side projects like our yearly photo book. Things that bring me joy. Oh and we are still working on our kitchen renovations, so that keeps things interesting.
 I'll be back here on a more regular basis soon. I have some cakes to share, maybe a recipe or two and definitely pictures of this 1 1/2 year old!
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